
Name and Objectives

The Association shall be called “The Primrose Hill Residents Association”.

The object of the Association shall be to watch and safeguard the interests of the residents of Primrose Hill.

The Association will seek the views and ideas of its members to produce a democratically based vision of how Primrose Hill should be.

It will promote this vision as the sole valid vision for how Primrose Hill should be - as decided democratically by the residents.

It will use this vision as the basis of engagement with the council, government and other stakeholders.

The Area of Primrose Hill


The Association shall be non-party political.

Resident membership of the Association shall be open to any person, sixteen or older, living in Primrose Hill.

Business membership shall be open to one representative of any independent shop, restaurant or cafe in Primrose Hill.

Associate membership shall be open to anyone with an interest in Primrose Hill. Associate members are not eligible to vote or provide direction.

All membership is subject to payment of the appropriate subscription and approval by the Committee.

Membership fees shall be fixed annually at the Annual General Meeting.

Members whose subscriptions are six months in arrears shall be deemed to have resigned.

Management of the Association

The management of the Association shall be undertaken by a Committee.

The members of the Committee shall be three Officers, Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, and up to nine others.

The Committee shall meet at intervals as the members of the Committee feel fit, but no fewer than four times a year.

The number nearest one-third of the total number of members of the Committee shall be a quorum.

The Committee shall have power to co-opt individuals to fill any vacancies which arise during the year. It shall have the power to remove any member who fails to attend four consecutive meetings.

The members of the Association will be provided with reasonable notice of any General Meeting.

A quorum for a General Meeting shall be not less than two members. If a quorum is not present thirty minutes after the time the meeting has been called, the meeting the meeting shall be adjourned.

The financial year shall end on 31st December each year and the Annual General Meeting shall be called within seven months of that date.

At the Annual General Meeting the annual report and accounts of the Council shall be approved, the officers and other members of the Council will be elected, notified motions will be considered, other business will be discussed.

A Special General Meeting shall be called, upon receipt by the Secretary, of a requisition by three members of the Committee or by no fewer than twenty members of the Association. The Meeting will be called as soon as reasonably possible with the sole purpose of discussing the business detailed in the requisition.

No alteration or addition shall be made to this Constitution except by approval of the membership in a General Meeting. Notice of any proposed changes shall be included in the notice of the meeting. At least twenty-eight days notice shall be given to the Secretary of the proposed change or addition.

In the event of a tie, the Chair of any meeting shall have an additional casting vote.

In the event of the suspension of the Association’s activities, the assets of the Association shall be disposed of in accordance with a decision of a Special General meeting called for the purpose of winding-up the Association.


Sarah Wyatt - Chair

Max Bennett - Secretary

Patricia Blank - Treasurer